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RG59 Cable

The RG-59 cable is a type of coaxial cable that is used to generate low-power video connections. The cable works on two conductors that are based on a single common axis. It is also used for RF signal connections. The RG-59 cable conducts video and radio frequencies at an impedance of around 75 ohms. The RG-59 cable is used for generating short-distance communication. The cable can be used at baseband video frequencies, which is measured from the lowest count of zero and continues to the highest signal frequency. Baseband refers to a collection of signals and frequencies varying over a wide range. The RG-59 cable works at broadcast frequencies, too. The RG-59 cable cannot be used over long distances owing to its high-frequency power losses. In such cases,RG-6 or RG-11 cables are used instead.



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